Our Value

This Is Not A Coaches “Directory”

You can find a large list of coaches through many online resources, but our coaches have been vetted. Each has a minimum of 2 years of coaching experience, runs an independent coaching practice, has received significant training as a coach, and has an abundant mentality. The abundant mentality aligns us with wanting all of us and all of our clients to succeed. All of the coaches listed on our website are part of the Coaches Culmination family.

Find Not Just What, But Whom

Each coach has an individual practice that coincides with their individual personality. One size does not fit all and not every coach resonates with every client. We all have different philosophies, approaches, and client engagements. We know that most choose whom to work with based upon their philosophy, process, and personality and how it aligns. It’s not ONLY about the process (though that is important as well).

We Walk the Talk

All of our coaches engage in personal and professional development individually and through being a part of Coaches Culmination. We share insights and expertise with one another regularly to help every coach of our organization to continually learn and grow. By expanding ourselves and those of our organization, we are able to better serve our clients and community.

Individualized Experiences

Finding the best coach for you, your career, your business, your leadership, or your team at a given time is an important decision. We all believe that you will be best served by the coach that you connect with who can deliver on what you need. All of our coaches are catalysts to change for their clients. You can search based upon what catalyst you need for the changes you are looking to make.


Why consider a coach?

There are many reasons to consider a coach. You may be stuck in a job, stagnant in your business, or unsatisfied in your relationships.

You may be looking to pivot into something new. There is power in having an outside perspective with an advocate for your growth and well-being. A good coach will provide guidance, advice and proper next steps regardless of where you are in your journey.

I am happy with my life at the moment. Why would I need a coach?

Have you ever taken the time to look outside of your job, your lifestyle, your self? If you have not, you’ll never really know what’s out there. Business and the workplace is changing at an astounding rate, and life goes by at lightning speed. A coach can help you take control of your life, relationship, or business with proactive clarity that ultimately leads to greater happiness and fulfillment.

What advice should I expect from a coach?

A good coach will provide unbiased opinions and insights that you would be unable to see yourself. It’s a natural trait for us to not see “the forest for the trees”. The advice you receive from a coach should be helpful, productive, unbiased and customized based upon you and your goals.

Why choose a coach from Coaches Culmination?

When you choose to work with one of our coaches, you know that you are supported by a coach who is supported by a solid community. Working with a coach gives you the comfort of knowing you are supported and not alone. Our coaches have that same kind of support and thrive off of providing that to their clients as well.

I’m curious about working with a coach in Coaches Culmination, but unsure if it’s right for me. What should I do?

Our video pages provide a great overview of all our coaches, including their experience and areas of expertise. You will also get a full sense of their personalities. Do any of the coaches resonate with you? Do any correlate to your market or your needs? If so, reach out to them!

It’s ok to have a conversation with a few different coaches to see who best fits what you are looking for.

I am hesitant. Is it worth engaging with a coach?

Changing your career, your lifestyle or your overall outlook are big moves. Important moves. This means busting out of your comfort zone, and we are here to help you do this. While doing so may be difficult (and maybe a little scary at first), it will be a rewarding and enlightening experience.